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61. Leszek M. Sokołowski
General relativity, gravitational energy and spin-two field
Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. , vol. 4, pp. 1-23 (2007).
[abstract] [preprint]

(Lectures given at the 42 Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Lądek Zdrój, Poland, 6-11 February 2006, "Current Mathematical Topics in Gravitation and Cosmology"):

In my lectures I will deal with three seemingly unrelated problems: i) to what extent is general relativity exceptional among metric gravity theories? ii) is it possible to define gravitational energy density applying field-theory approach to gravity? and iii) can a consistent theory of a gravitationally interacting spin-two field be developed at all? The connecting link to them is the concept of a fundamental spin-2 field. A linear spin-2 field encounters insurmountable inconsistencies when coupled to gravity. After discussing the inconsistencies of any coupling of the linear spin-2 field to gravity, I exhibit the origin of the fact that a gauge invariant field has the variational metric stress tensor which is gauge dependent. I give a general theorem explaining under what conditions a symmetry of a field Lagrangian becomes also the symmetry of the stress tensor. It is a conclusion of the theorem that any attempt to define gravitational energy density in the framework of a field theory of gravity must fail. Finally I make a very brief introduction to basic concepts of how a certain kind of a necessarily nonlinear spin-2 field arises in a natural way from vacuum higher derivative gravity theories. This specific spin-2 field consistently interacts gravitationally.

62. Andrzej Woszczyna
Mechanika zaburzeń skalarnych w radiacyjnym wszechświecie
Prace Komisji Astrofizyki PAU, vol. 11, p. 117 (2007).


63. Leszek M. Sokołowski, Andrzej Staruszkiewicz
On the issue of gravitons
Class. Quant. Grav. , vol. 23, pp. 5907-5918 (2006).
[abstract] [preprint] [journal]

We investigate the problem of whether one can anticipate any features of the graviton without a detailed knowledge of a full quantum gravity. Assuming that in linearized gravity the graviton is in a sense similar to the photon, we derive a curious large number coincidence between the number of gravitons emitted by a solar planet during its orbital period and the number of its nucleons. In Einstein's GR the analogy between the graviton and the photon is ill founded. A generic relationship between quanta of a quantum field and plane waves of the corresponding classical field is broken in the case of GR. The graviton cannot be classically approximated by a generic pp wave nor by the exact plane wave. Most important, the ADM energy is a zero frequency characteristic of any asymptotically flat spacetime and this means that any general relationship between energy and frequency is a priori impossible. In particular the formula $E=\hbar \omega$ does not hold. The graviton must have features different from those of the photon and these cannot be predicted from classical general relativity.

64. M. Heller, L. Pysiak, W. Sasin
Inner Geometry of Random Operators
Demonstratio Mathematica, vol. 39, pp. 971-978 (2006).


65. P. T. Chrusciel, G. M. Greuel, R. Meinel, S. J. Szybka
The Ernst equation and ergosurfaces
Class. Quantum Grav., vol. 23, pp. 4399-4414 (2006).
[abstract] [preprint] [journal]

We show that analytic solutions $\mcE$ of the Ernst equation with non-empty zero-level-set of $\Re \mcE$ lead to smooth ergosurfaces in space-time. In fact, the space-time metric is smooth near a "Ernst ergosurface" $E_f$ if and only if $\mcE$ is smooth near $E_f$ and does not have zeros of infinite order there.

66. Leszek M. Sokołowski
Physical interpretation and viability of various metric nonlinear gravity theories
Proceedings of MG11 Meeting, Berlin, July 23-29, 2006 (2006).


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